How Emotions Affect Your Mind-Body-Soul Connection

How Emotions Affect Your Mind-Body-Soul Connection

How Emotions Affect our Body

Emotions are something we all share. Emotions are what provide us with a common ground to relate to one another, to converse and to express ourselves. In fact, emotions both regulate and are regulated by your body. Below I will discuss what different emotions entail for the body.

The emotion of shame is reflective of our deepest wound and can have the most devastating of effects on our emotional state. Second to the emotion of shame sits guilt, apathy, fear, anxiety, anger and hate.  Studies have shown that negative emotions can actually weaken your body’s immune system and thus bring about the onset of illness and disease.

These negative emotions affect your body in such a way that your body actually becomes traumatized by a surge of electrical shock. This electrical shock is capable of leaving the equivalent of scars and wounds, albeit emotionally and mentally. This in turn disrupts our ability to be a clear channel to love unconditionally and to be accepting of both ourselves as well as others in much the same way a child would his mother and himself. These are very powerful emotions that leave a very powerful effect on the body.

Having said this, holding back or denying yourself of these emotions only makes the feelings worse as you are denying yourself the ability to release the pain. In turn, this can cause you a great deal of stress, which is often followed by illness.  By attempting to control and stifle your pent up anger, resentment, self-judgment, physical pain and criticism amongst many other negative beliefs and fears, you result in sabotaging what you truly want and desire in your life and this stops us from being our best.

How these Emotions can Make You Very Sick

Emotions are capable of affecting the way we feel, think and behave. The reason behind this is because emotions are very much linked to our physiological well-being. What this means is that emotions are tied in and very much related to our body.


An imbalance between your mind, body and soul is connected to your emotional well-being and can cause digestion issues or an upset stomach. Think about an unsettled stomach as the result of all the emotions your body is unable to digest or accept within.

Anger and resentment can cause inflammation and pain in the body due to an inflexible way of being or holding on to something rather than to forgive and let go.

Shoulder pain is the feeling of having the weight of the world on you and therefore feeling overwhelmed.

Back pain is reflective of a need for more support in your life, but not necessarily understanding how to create that for yourself or how to ask for it.

How to Safely Release these Emotions

Get grounded in earth, feel the earth under your feet.

Take a bath and allow your body to let loose and to relax.

Take time off for yourself.

Physical exercise and movement is really great as long as you are not in pain. Yoga, breathing work, going for a stroll are all viable options.

Release your emotions by punching a punching bag or by letting it all out as a scream in a safe place when you’re alone (like into a pillow).

Last but not least talk it out with someone you can trust like a friend, family member or therapist.  Talking is always a sure way to release and let go as long as it’s consistent.