Spiritual Director and Spirituality

Spirituality is an important part of life. Feeling connected and whole is something that we all strive for. When spirituality is missing from our lives, we try to fill the hole that it leaves with other things.

Having a spiritual connection is an important part of your overall well being. We can explore what spirituality means to you and find something that works for you.

Spirituality is not the same as religion. You do not have to believe in God or any gods for that matter. It is about being connected and finding your path in life. Spiritual direction works well for those who are going through loss and grief.

Loss and grief are a time in your life when you can feel the most lost and hopeless. It is important during this time that you can surround yourself with people that will be supportive and help you pull through. Being a Spiritual Director, I understand the struggles that you can face with all aspects of life during this trying time. We can work together to help you regain your sense of spiritual connectedness and reflect on the importance that this has in your life. This may help ease the healing process and help you to move forward.

Request an Appointment

    Contact me at stacey@lovenlife.ca or use the form below.