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Wondering what this possibly means?  Well, read on for the actual truth and other shocking revelations on daddy issues and how it impacts relationships…… Daddy issues is a general term that describes a woman’s self-destructive behaviour often typified by a desperate ache for male attention. Now,...

Having a support system when you are in recovery from addiction is so important. With a support system you are much more likely to be successful in recovery, and work towards other goals that you have set for yourself. Your support network can be made...

Drug addiction is life changing. It changes who you are, how you act, and how you relate to others. It skews reality and your perception of who you are and what your place in the world is. It destroys relationships that have taken lifetimes...

Numerology is the study of relationships between numbers and events. There are many traditional forms of numerology dating back to the earliest mathematicians, however, numerology is no longer considered to be part of mathematics. Numerology is often used alongside astrology and the like to predict life...

Can you imagine not knowing where you are, what day of the week it is, what year it is, and even who the people are that are around you and caring for you? These are just some of the challenges that face those who face...