I Hate My Job!: Need motivation or a New Job?

I Hate My Job!: Need motivation or a New Job?

There are many times in our lives that our jobs may seem like they just aren’t a good fit anymore. It could be added stress, or maybe you just aren’t as motivated as you used to be. But is it just a lack of motivation, or is it time to start looking for a new job?shutterstock_1147720

There are many signs that it may be time to start looking for a new job. It is perfectly normal to experience some job dissatisfaction from time to time, however, long lasting dissatisfaction may mean something more.

One sign that it may be time to find a new job is that you are no longer feeling challenged. You may find that you are bored with what you are doing, or maybe you are feeling accomplished after completing tasks. If you can, ask for more challenging projects and tasks; if this is not a possibility, it may be time to move on.

Another sign is that the stress that you feel from your work has become unmanageable. A heavy workload and heavy responsibility outside of work can cause a stress overload, something that can make you physically sick. With a heavy stress load, you will not be performing your best in anything that you can do. To avoid this, it is important to find a good balance between responsibility and time for yourself. If you find that it is impossible to do this, it may be time to start looking for a job in which you can.shutterstock_83971024

Maybe you have been passed over for an important promotion. It is important to ask why you have been passed over. It could just simply be that someone had more qualifications or experience than you. It is important to get a straight answer. If you don’t, it could be something more than just a lack of qualifications.

Are you depressed about work when you aren’t even there? This is a big sign that it may be time to start looking for a new job. If you are depressed even thinking about work when you are not there, this may be a sign that your stress load at work is starting to take a toll on your emotional state.

Being undermined by your boss and your coworkers, or even being completely ignored by them is another sign that it may be time to look for a new job. There is a reason for these behaviours, and it creates a hostile/uncomfortable work environment. There is no reason for you to continue to let these behaviours go unchecked. It will just create more stress and make you want to be at work less.

There is a big difference in between general dissatisfaction and when it is time for you to find a new job. It is best to start looking before things get out of hand, because it can take a large toll on your personal life. It is important to live a life that you love, and do work that is fulfilling and enjoyable whenever it is possible. Enjoying where you work will help productivity and will reduce stress in your work and personal life. shutterstock_71960362