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Stacey Gorlicky

Food, Sex, and You: Untangling Body Obsession in a Weight-Obsessed World

A look at our relationship with food and sex, what happens when we become too dependent on either, and how to start recovering.

Gorlicky has set out to help readers to recognize their blind obsession with, or fear of, either of these two powerful drives, and to embark on a voyage of self-discovery into the hidden childhood and cultural influences that have shaped them. Obsessing over ten pounds can be as self-destructive as obsessing over sixty ― either can be a sign of addiction arising from a distorted body image. This book is about sharing creative and insightful experiences, along with providing vital new information, both for those who are just discovering that yo-yo dieting doesn’t work, and for those who have already confronted food and sexual disorders.

Available through Booksellers Everywhere.
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About the author

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Stacey Gorlicky

Stacey Gorlicky is a registered psychotherapist, former host of the live TV show Mind Matters, and a passionate spokesperson for mental-health issues. Specializing in treating addiction along with trauma, anxiety, and depression, she takes a naturalistic, spiritual, and eclectic approach to healing, combining both traditional and cutting-edge treatment methods. Stacey lives in Toronto.

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